Friday, July 19, 2013

Imperial Moth

I was bathed and ready for bed as I told our grand daughter that it was time to hit the sack.  Our grand daughters had been with me for a few days on a summer visit to our home in Sewanee. It was another late night with "Mima", (the name that the children call me) and it wasn't over yet!  I was turning out lights as I heard a repeated knocking at the kitchen window.  I first thought about the little hummingbird that I had encountered a couple of years ago  and all of the ones that have been feeding lately.   But as I looked closer I realized that it was a large moth!  I went outside to retrieve it, a male Imperial moth is his identification!  He was heavy bodied and a very handsome specimen. I yelled for our 6 year old grand daughter to come see something.  She grabbed my camera and began to photograph with excitement and I had no idea how they would look.  She did a fine job though I felt a bit unprepared for a photo shoot by my 6 year old grand daughter after I had gotten ready to turn in for the day.  I took a few shots too and thought that I would share our fun.  We also found a Pearly Wood Nymph.

Imperial Moth, what a treat!

Imperial Moth

Imperial Moth bottom view

Male Imperial Moths facing forward

 Male Imperial Moth

Pearly Wood Nymph

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