Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Long Day Of Travel

Today was a long day of travel with our three furry friends. That meant frequent stops along our route since Carly or Golden Retriever is nearly 13 years old now and needs to stretch those stiff areas. I'm beginning to understand her needs, use it or loss it is our motto! I missed taking a few photos that I wanted to take and as you can imagine, there are fewer photos to share due to tending to my buddies.   I have no worries, West Virginia should offer up some great opportunities for feeding my photography addiction. But I did grab a shot of one of my favorite flowers, the Passiflora edulus, Passion Fruit, Purple Granadilla, Passion Flower.  And another little purple flower that I spotted literally in the gravel on the side of highway 81.

Passion flower, Passiflora edulus

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