Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Drive With A Purpose

I had noticed the gorgeous and numerous highway wildflower plantings (makes them sound not so wild, huh?) last year off of West Virginia US 19, going North, toward the New River Gorge area.  My husband and I had made several day trips up that way and as I had hoped the wildflowers were there again this year.  Several times I had wanted to stop and meander but decided that it was something that I wanted to do alone, so as not to feel rushed.  After running several errands, I headed out from Beckley, West Virginia.  I reached the magnificent, New River Gorge area (stopping briefly at the bridge visitors center to take several photos in the "butterfly garden" out front) and turned back South as I had not found the exact location, nor safe place to pull over and take a few photos of the roadside wildflowers. The sights delighted my eyes when I found my spot.  I'm not even sure what exit I took, they were mesmerizing for me, as they appeared, with the slight warm summer breeze, to wave me in the right direction. And the cameras did a fair job of capturing a taste of the images that I had been obsessing over and hoping to capture for a year. The drive up was spectacular, with the sun beaming and the breeze blowing ever so gently. I left the site (sight!) after an hour or more of taking photos and enjoying the view. The drive with a purpose to capture a bit of the beauty from those who planted these lovely flowers, felt like a success, a mix of: cosmos, chicory and coreopsis or tickseed plant. Their work has not gone unnoticed by many, including me!  Surely they wanted us to enjoy their work.  A HUGE thank you to those that made it possible for such an enjoyable sight!
Captured a photo in mid flight! ;0)

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