Sunday, April 6, 2014

Getting Ready To Plant

Each Spring I get excited to see what is available for the planting season. There are always the "tried and trues" and then sometimes you see something hybrid or something new. I was excited to see a new perennial Columbine that I had not seen. It was double petal and had a full appearance. Of course, I had to have some. I am in West Virginia now but I will be taking these home to Tennessee to be planted in our yard. And I found some beautiful lilies like I had planted last year. They are lovely too!

I took a cool stroll around the Little Beaver State Park lake. This broke my heart, a duck had gotten it's foot tangled in fishing line and I tried to get some people to help me catch it but we were not able to do anything about it.  It was too frightened of us.  And the it's foot was so swollen and damaged that it had trouble walking.  I am sure the pain was horrible.  I hope that the State park folks found him.  I could not locate anyone from the park service.  So we need to be careful with fishing line, trash and etc. for our wildlife.

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