Monday, August 19, 2013

My Morning In Melbourne And Drive To Sanford, Florida

My morning began with a chuckle as I peered out the back porch to see a duck resting on the back of a goose decoy that is tied up in the middle of the lagoon behind the house.  It happens often and always gets me tickled. 
The lizards were all about and grabbing a bit of early morning sunshine.  I wished that our grandsons had already arrived as I watched them scurry about, knowing that they will enjoy checking them out in the days to come.  And of course, I will too!

Along for the ride or a rest....

Oops I startled the duck and caught her departure from her friendly perch.

I stopped along the way to Sanford, FL to meet my daughter and two grandsons.   Ispotted this spider dangling in the distance.  Distance is a good thing for me when it comes to spiders.  I'm not a big fan, though I appreciate their work.  I find it fascinating.
The use of my zoom lens came in handy here.  I never could get a real clear photo but I wasn't willing to leave the car and get any closer! EEK!!!

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