Monday, August 5, 2013

A Morning Heavy With Dew

This morning was filled with moisture and as I ventured down a new path I notice an over grown trail.  It lead me to a field and it glistened with dew.  It was a gloriously cool and sunny morning.  I trudged though the tall weeds and grasses, taking in all of the beauty with lots of excitement.  And I prayed that the bugs that I have experience in Tennessee would not be as bad here in West Virginia and thankfully they weren't!  I had failed to spray myself with any protection, I had not planned to get off the cleared path.  I should have known better!!! 
Yellow Swallowtail

A skipper...

Common bluet...

I only took pictures today of these apples that I spotted.  My mind filled with a recipe that I want to try with these apples!  And it made my mouth water!

I traveled to Charleston, WV later this day and spotted this fawn resting with it's mother close by.

I could not get a clear shot of this odd bug as it landed for a moment on this blade of grass and crossed my path.

Heavy with morning dew...

Daisies, Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, or Oxeyed  Daisy.  Check out the crab spider's legs under the left side petals.

The morning dew was so beaded up on this sassafras plant that it looked like glitter.

By the end of my morning walk the air had begun to dry out a bit and this tiny bee was making his rounds.

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