Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Lagoon fun... Melbourne, Florida

Several golden colored damselfly were a fun attraction.  This one perched several times  on a floating clump of decaying grass clippings.

This mating pair of damselflies caught the attention of our 4 year old grandson, who alerted me of their approach.  I was happy to grab my glasses for a look.  I'm not good at identifying the different species but they were very small.  I wish that I could have gotten a clearer photo.  I felt sorry for the poor female.  She was being held under water for quite sometime, pinched at the base of her head by the male.  The female deposits her eggs in the water so the next generation of damselflies will emerge.  That's what we have going on here....a little reproduction in progress.

Sporting some amazing pink plumage this Roseate Spoonbill seemed both beautiful yet bizarre.  It was intensely on a mission.  I was enamored with it's brilliant pink feathers.  It scoured the edges of the water for a tasty morsel. Thanks to the wardens employed by the Audubon Society at least 8 decades or more ago these birds are more likely to be seen today.  Years ago they fell prey to the plume-hunters and bird-shooting tourist.  Today the species has recovered significantly since then due to conservation efforts.  I happened to see several this year and was happy to snap a departing shot of this one!

Our grandson having that urge like most boys...to jump right in!

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