Saturday, June 8, 2013

This Might Be An Hororary Dragonfly

On my morning walk with my husband he pointed out an unusual insect as he had chosen this trail for the adorable Ebony Jewelwing damselflies that emerge in the same creek year after year.  I enjoy photographing them and he knows that I have a special affinity for these beautiful creatures.  It was a sweet and appreciated gesture.   I did not spot this insect but he did and originally thought that it was a dragonfly.  I also thought that it was some sort of dragonfly.   And with some excitement I began to hurry to snap a photo.   Unfortunately, in my haste I failed to get a clear photograph.  I was not at all certain that it was a dragonfly so I contacted my friend Robley Hood, another nature lover and one whom studies dragonflies and damselflies daily.  She also, keeps her eyes peeled for other insects and creatures so she is my go to person when conferring on an unknown dragonfly or other insect.  I actually do not remember most of the dragonfly identifications or damselflies so she often helps me out.  If you enjoy nature blogs and photography you need to check out her blog:  She messaged me back on Facebook with this information: This is an honorary dragonfly, an owlfly, Ascaloptynx appendiculata. They resemble dragonflies in many ways as they fly around in the woods, but they are far less common. They deserve our attention too!

The picture below is what we had hoped to see and we did but we also had an unexpected surprise in the pictured insect above.
A male Ebony Jewelwing damselfly.  One of my favorites.

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