Sunday, April 7, 2013

A quiet morning...

After the last few days of my Lenton Journey I was expecting the heaven to open up and hear God's thundering voice speak out loud! Haha   But this morning was oddly quiet on the mountain and in the woods. I spotted a tiny Dreamy Dusky Wing skipper (I think) on my entrance into the head but no loud noises or screeching hawks. It was oddly quiet and noticeable to me because I am out in the woods daily. The birds were quiet and the wind was still. I walk the same path as the day before keeping my eyes peeled for something unusual to happen but nothing seemed to be going on. It was a pretty morning to walk and each day the new growth of nature seems to bud with new growth. The same phenomenon that I admire and look forward to each year. I love Spring! As I thought about the previous day's odd feelings I shrugged them off and almost felt silly for having had such odd feelings come over me. As I had the day before, I parked the car out in the woods at the head of the fire trail and took the same route. I made the turn today with no confusion or hesitation where I was headed and as I topped the incline  just before I reach the exact area where I had spotted the large reddish-orange "Question Mark" butterfly, there right smack in front of me was a cocoon dangling from a pine limb like a Christmas ornament. It had apparently fallen from a limb from another tree up above and landed there, hung up waiting for me to notice!  I know that it wasn't there the day before! Surely, I thought? But during these days after Easter and the studying and praying that I had been doing it served as an awesome reminder of the constant transformation that God does with me and each of us as Christian.

Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind....~ Romans 12:2  Just like a butterfly is transformed!  (Big smile)

I was shock that my walk the previous day had kept me outside and entertained for nearly two hours!  I had no idea that I was out that long meandering about! 
Just a little Dreamy Dusky wing skipper I think. 

It reminded me of the empty tomb...just a quiet and gentle reminder on this beautiful Sunday morning


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