Tuesday, April 30, 2013

40 Day "Lenten Journey"

This is not my usual blog post and it might be hard to follow because it seems all over the place when I read it myself.  Moreover, it seems pretty weird and out there.   You have been forewarned. 
 I am very in tune with my surroundings and I worship God best when I am outdoors.  I believe that God speaks to us though many means during our daily tasks.  For me it seems to especially happen through nature.  That’s just my experience.  And for others, well they might not be able to relate. But I believe that God speaks to each of us in many different ways.  Furthermore, I believe that everything that happens to us has spiritual significance.

My love of the outdoor developed as a young child and all that I feel must come from my "roots".   It seems perfectly logical for me to have spiritual experiences and feel close with the Holy Spirit while outdoors.  But I also, experience spirituality through prayer, my senses and my creative work.  I’m also very skeptical when something becomes a “brain visual", for me.  I review it over and over.  It’s my train of thought.  It can bring about, creativity, productive work or provoke intense thinking and questions if I use it the way God intends.  

Let me step back to the eclipse vision that I mentioned in my post on 4/7/13.  It came to me in a single thought (about 3:00 AM) and I didn’t think much about it.  I simply, sat up for a moment shook my head, filed it in the back of my brain and went back to sleep.  I did think that it was weird to wake from a sound sleep then boom; the first thought when I awoke was that of an eclipse (similar to the picture above).  I RARELY recall a dream or thought immediately following sleep.  Therefore over my lifetime I can only recall a few times that I remember having dreams, good or bad.  But there have been times when I could hardly sleep from excitement over a creative project or times when I would wake up with ideas and could not fall back to sleep from excitement over this creative energy.  When this happens I cannot wait to get to working on it, whatever “IT” might be!   With all of that said, I suppose that when something seems odd or creative energy hits, it sort of sticks with me.  I have been told that I have a discerning nature, carefree, free spirit personality; I think it is better “self-described” as a discerning energy, sort of like a volcano eruption of this mass between my ears! (chuckles)

Who knows why things come to your thoughts?  This eclipse ”awaking  vision” or single thought only seemed odd when it came very vividly to me two more times about the same time at night; first in our Tennessee home and during a two day (alone) stay in lovely Gatlinburg, TN on my way back to West Virginia.   I had felt lead to take this 40 day Lenten journey and focus on God totally in preparation for our move and to get a better understanding of my husband’s "calling", (as he describes it) restore family relationships and humble myself.   And I have been seeking to find my place in this equation!  The clear thought came when I had the experience with the Mourning butterfly.   Immediately following that event I felt lead to look into the face of God for my answers more than I had done in a long while, possible ever done.   As I have mentioned, I have been in my "Southern Comfort Zone", here in Sewanee, TN.    I have told people that we have lived in a place where angels dwell:
The Sewanee Angel
In a folk story it is said that the domain of the University of the South is a place so beautiful angels dwell within its the gates. These angels protect all inhabitants and visitors on the Domain. Sewanee Angels are more than happy to become your guarding angel and protect you off the Domain as well. In order to pick up your angel you must tap the roof of your car as you drive through the gates when departing campus. Upon your return, you tap the roof of your car to release your angel.  You will know why it has been hard to leave here if you watch this beautiful video by Stephen Alverez. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl0_Q8FwLec&feature=player_embedded;view=detail&FORM=VIRE1

 So, we have been called back to “Almost Heaven West Virginia.  I wrote this back in October after returning from the trip when my husband made the decision to take this job as Regional President of The University of Charleston/Beckley:  There is a particularly poignant moment when I thought about leaving our family and our home in Tennessee. It seemed unimaginable to leave our “Southern Comfort Zone”, a place that I imagine is almost like paradise, for almost heaven WV.  And yet the affirmation seems to come with very little trepidation after Jerry had referred to this change as a "calling".  How can I argue with what he/we feel is God’s will?  I don’t have to leave I thought!  I/we can spend time in both places!  Country roads take us home to both places that we belong! 
We were awaiting morning meetings at Glades Spring Resort with the board members back in October and talking through the details of the transitions, when the alarm clock radio when off and it was the song “Southern Comfort Zone” by Brad Paisley http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B63ABnKv4jA I thought, wow is that a message or what?  Jerry was already up and asked, "What is that noise?"  I said,  "You must have set the alarm, it’s the radio!  Listen to the words!" I have had to do something to get myself prepared.  The "Lenten Journey" seemed a bit extreme and unusual, to say the least!  Separate yet together I had felt compelled that my calling was some creative project but it is much more than that I believe.   Though I believe that my creative gifts will be used, this calling involves both of us. 

This all gets a bit out there but let me try to explain some of the crazy details.  I left Sewanee on March 19 the weather got a bit rough around Chattanooga, TN (tornado warnings, heavy rain and high winds) and it delayed my trip north.  I pulled into East Tennessee very late and had to pull over to rest, I get sleepy when I drive or ride for that matter!  I fell asleep in my car.  Oh... yes I did, tapped out!  When I woke up there was a talk radio program on and I had caught it on one of my earlier trips back South to Tennessee from West Virginia.  It briefly caught my attention given some similar information on a topic that I had heard some other people talking about while up there in WV.  I’m not one to listen to talk radio; I’m not a big TV watcher or a moviegoer either.  I like movies I just don’t make or waste a lot of time watching many movies and definitely not TV and talk radio has never appealed to me so this was unusual for me to stay on the channel for any amount of time.   The second time I stumbled upon this station, it was talking about possible knowledge that the Vatican might have regarding other life in the universe.  Hum?  I didn’t listen much longer.  But the guest speaker had talked about the Vatican Observatory and their advanced equipment/ telescope and astronomical research that sounded interesting.  Equipment that was said to be more advanced than the Hubble telescope due to some mirrors.  The speaker’s theory was that the Vatican might soon release information on possible knowledge of, or evidence of and possible life elsewhere in the universe. So I listen just long enough!  I think that I was more intrigued for a few minutes given my recent visions of an eclipse. Then I flipped the station off.   Music is more my style!

Upon arriving in Gatlinburg I continued my intense prayer (even experienced what my husband referred to as contemplative prayer after explaining that I had, had a good laugh with the Holy Spirit after intense Bible study.  The first night that I was there I woke up with my third such vision.  I had recalled reading places in the Bible about prophecy, visions and signs in the heavens.  All I could do is question myself and try to understand if it meant something.   I remembered some verses and looked for them. Genesis 1:14 Speaks about signs.  “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years.  I located the verses that I recalled in Luke 21:25 and Joel 2: 28-32, it speaks about prophecy. I found them intriguing since I felt like the verses in Joel were talking about a possible solar eclipse (like my vision pictured above).   I felt that the Holy Spirit was leading me to read for understanding.   After a few days there I made my way on up to WV.   When I arrived my husband filled me in on schedules and events going on at and with the University.  And when he said, “Oh, there is a speaker that you may want to hear on Tuesday”, (as he chuckled) given your recent visions” (he laughed).  I said, “Huh?” he said, “Yeah, Father Corbally, S.J., Astronomer to the Vatican will be speaking here before lunch and then I’m going to take him to lunch”.  I thought that he was joking.   I said,” Right!?!”    Then he handed me a large postcard that was entitled University of Charleston Speaker Series, “Star Wars: When Astronomy and Religion Meet”.  He would speak first in at the University of Charleston/ Beckley and head to Charleston after lunch with my husband.  And then he spoke in Charleston at 6:30 PM and the staff was requesting that we possibly join Father Corbally for dinner.  We were unable to attend since I needed to head back to Tennessee shortly after I heard him speak.  Obviously this was very odd to me.  And a bit comical when the speaker began his speech with something about, "When Star Wars and ET meet" and he posed a question something like, What if I told you that there was evidence of other life out there in the universe, would that change how you view God?  Again, I may not be wording it exactly like Father Corbally did but it was something like that.  And I was very exhausted and lost some interest when he didn't say that they had any evidence! Hehe I had a long drive ahead and I desperately needed a nap!

After returning back to Tennessee I continued my Bible studies and fervent prayer.  I continued to feel that the Holy Spirit was speaking to me through nature and my daily Bible readings. 

Even though we had never been through counseling, I mentioned to my husband that we might need some counseling to work through this move and the challenges we face.  I'm sure my husband's thoughts were something like.... you need some, not me!  Nonetheless, my husband and I talk about speaking with a pastor and he asked if I would go to meet with a pastor that we knew of through our son and his wife.   I wasn't interested in speaking with anyone that we knew well.   (I was too embarrassed)  He is not connected to us on a regular basis nor is he with our church.  I agreed.  We drove to Nashville to talk with him about our marriage, the move and this calling to West Virginia.   I mentioned that I had been doing a Lenten journey.   I explained to him some things that I/we needed to work on as a couple and my need to find my place in this move.  I also shared some things from the past, some of what was happening currently and he was interested in hearing what I had to share.  He turned his chair toward me, apologized to my husband, scooted his chair in closer, face to face and asked me if I had an impending feeling that I am running out of time.  I said, “Yes, I always feel that way”!  "I prefer not to waste time"!  He shared with me/us that he too had felt that way. (I got serious)  He shared that he felt a calling back to West Virginia as well!  We all discussed how unusual that was for all of us to be called there and brought together by this move.  He is from there though and still working through his calling too.  I’m from MISSISSIPPI and I like to go barefooted and squish the sand between my toes and soak up the sunshine!   Being called to West Virginia did cause some questioning within me not my husband though; he has always felt that "calling". 

  I mentioned to this pastor that I had a vision of an eclipse several times and nothing else. Pretty uneventful but it had stuck with me oddly enough.   I mentioned that I had the feeling that it was, somehow, a divine message.   I shared several other stories from my past and he mentioned that I/we should read 1 Corinthians 12-13-14.  We discussed discernment and edification through the Holy Spirit.  He called me a mystic and I looked shocked because I thought that was considered more occult (I felt momentarily offended) but he quickly said, “You’re a visionary”.   I’ve never been told that but I’ve not experienced or shared things like this for a long time.    It was an interesting, learning experience.   Several other things happened on our way home.  I thought of conversations that I had randomly overheard while in West Virginia during February and early March about people having microchips embedded in their hands due to a company up in Canada requesting that their employees do this to store their medical and important identification information.  According to these random conversations that I overheard (in line while shopping, not eavesdropping… they spoke LOUD and acted as though they wanted me to hear what they were saying, looking back at me as they spoke, possibly waiting for my reaction...I had none!), they mentioned three individuals that said no to receiving a microchip embedded in their body due to religious reasons. (I thought...I hope they said NO!!!)  Apparently one lady knew one of the men and she said that the man opted to could carry a card with his information on it instead of having a microchip imbedded in his skin.  These random individuals (three different people at three different locations that day) spoke of fear of that happening with our government, medical concerns and etc.  Okay folks I thought...calm down!   Then my thoughts went back to my early church experiences in Chattanooga, TN during a revival with Tony Fontane, around 1973-1974 (at Concord Baptist Church) only months before his death (Not sure why I can recall this man’s name after all of these years, 38 years ago when I often cannot remember someone's name five minutes after I meet them!!!)  He and our church leaders asked us (young teens) to beware of a time when a Revelation prophecy could happen during our lifetime.  It would be a time to reject something that someone might ask to put either on or in our hand or forehead.  And that it would involve computers (at that time they were the size of big rooms in the 1970’s, HUGE, not laptops!)  How could they have imagined what computers would do today?  We were told that we should reject anything like that because it would be fulfillment of the prophecy in Revelation and the sign of the “beast”.   I also remember when we had a representative visit us from a company about a credit card reader that we bought back in the mid 1990’s for our store.   And the rep described this machine as a "good purchase" at around $1200.00 (My husband reminded me that later it cost us another $2000.00 Gheezzzz....! ) because the credit and debit card machine could accommodate the "smart card" (a card that contains an embedded microprocessor or as she called it a, "microchip").   I asked what that was and she explained that it was a card that has been designed and possibly already being used in Europe.   And that it would be used in a cashless society.   And that their company was working with inventors that were researching those similar microchips being embedded in our hand and this machine could carry our store into those advanced times of the next millennia.   My memory immediately returned to the words that I had recalled from my early teens during that revival.  So, after speaking with the pastor and on our way home I also recalled a friend of mind mentioning a pastor that she admired also some how associated with West Virginia (but apparently from TN) and I searched Google for videos and information about prophecy.  I got more than I remotely imagined or bargained for.   I stumbled upon a Youtube video and it popped up loud and clear (I’m not posting that one because it might be a lot to take in if you aren’t prepared) and that was what these people (In the stores in WV) were talking about.   This was the pastor that my friend had told me about and then another video popped up from pastor John Hagee.  Another friend of mine said that they thought that he came across as arrogant and pompous.  I'm not judging, I am sure that he is a man of God with a wonderful message and possibly prophetic messages.  But does he come across a bit arrogant or pompous? It is more likely that he is so full of knowledge that it seems to some to come across that way.  But okay, his video was talking about blood moons and an eclipse (dodododo started going off in my brain...YIKES!  Why did I have to run across this video right now?  Really?) I watched it only briefly then decided to just read a book and my Bible. This is another video that I ran across but there are so many more... http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Perry+Stone+666+Prophecy+&view=detail&mid=C6ED80D45202A815C71EC6ED80D45202A815C71E&first=0&FORM=NVPFVR

 My husband was exhausted from the intense discussions, his new job and lots of travel.  He rarely wants me to drive but he gladly turned over the wheel to me as my brain was churning.   He likely prayed that I would not share another thought or word!  Oh "Lordy"!  I drove back to the mountain and kept my mouth closed.   I took from our meeting that I am being called to West Virginia as well in some capacity and that when I feel discernment that I should share that with my husband.  And from my readings and studying (in spite of the videos and visions) I feel that these visions can all be signs and warning but that the work of telling others the message that God sent his Son, Jesus to redeem us of our sins, is our most important mission and ministry as Christians. This is the message that God wants told.    He wants us to know his wonderful kindness, immense love for us and He wants to have a relationship with each of us through Jesus.  Jesus is our bridge to God the Father.  We need to simply be ready and prepared in our hearts and souls at all times.  If you look and read the stories of the Bible from Moses to Noah, the people should have never been surprised by what happened, God has always warned us through His word, signs in nature and the heavens.  If we study His word we should not be surprised we should simply enjoy all that God's redeeming love offers.

I want to share one of my first projects in West Virginia that my husband inspired me to do.  It was done to benefit the local Women's Resource Center.

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