Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Revel In The Nature of God's Beauty

All you have to do is go outside and look around. If nothing else just look at the sky! This morning I grabbed the camera, my phone, car keys and shouted to Carly, our dog, that we were going for a was short but she always gets excited to get to go for a ride! It use to be a truck ride but she can no longer jump that high and has put on a good bit of weight in her old age. And I'm not up for picking her behind up very often either at my age! We bought a car from our daughter-in-law that she and it scoot around in these days. It's older, low to the ground and easy on gas. I don't let Carly ride in my nice car these days! When we arrived at the edge of the woods and I parked next to the barn. I noticed how bright the sun was starting to get but it was still nice and cool. As we jumped out of the car I spotted a butterfly and bee on a purple thistle flower. The light was often very bright, I had forgotten my sunglasses, my eyes tried to adjust to the bright morning sunlight but my eyes filled with tears. It made it a bit difficult to see as I scooted though the tall grasses, thinking that I will probably encounter lots of pesky ticks and chiggers! YUCK!!! So far so good though! I'm hoping they don't show up later :0/! We had a very mild winter so they are out in full force this season! Fortunately, I had so much beauty to see that I was bursting with my normal desire and enthusiasm to take it all in so I tip toed for a while then said,” to heck with it”(prayed that the bug spray would work on me), as I plowed right through to the open field. It's always the little things that I get so excited about, spotting a new dragonfly, a tiny blue butterfly that seemed to pose for me and the sunlight peeking through the trees just along the creek bed and along the road was spectacular. So, I encourage you open your eyes to what God has created and to revel in nature's beauty. I try to do it daily myself! It is good for you I promise!

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