Saturday, May 12, 2012

An abundance of cherries totally by mistake

About five years ago we had a late frost and I was so sad about not getting to enjoy the full duration of beautiful and utterly splendid weeping cherry blossoms for the already short time that they last. This year I thought to grabbed some gorgeous photos of the blooms to enjoy forever. And I thought how disappointed I was that this tree had become awkward and misshapen after the late frost had forever changed the appearance of this once lovely tree. I had considered replacing the tree with a much more full and beautiful tree for next year since this tree is a focal point of our front yard landscaping. My busy schedule this spring and lack of rainfall has put a halt to most of my usual gardening but I'm hoping to rebound! Yesterday our youngest son was home briefly after his graduation from college. He had been outside absorbing some sunshine and relaxing after another hummingbird adventure. Then he comes inside and says mom have you noticed the cherries on our tree!!! I said, huh??? Cherries? And he says"Come here and look at these!" I was amazed at the luscious beautiful red cherries growing in abundance on this cherry tree that was grafted to be an ornamental weeping cherry. Now 3/4 of the tree is fruit bearing! Where the graft had been made on the tree, due to that late frost several years ago, we now have a fabulous yield of yummy red cherries!  We are all excited and ready to plant more cherry trees now!

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