Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Frosted Windowpanes

The old windows in the University's house, where we live, accumulate some interesting frosty creations on the windowpanes. I heard the grounds staff before sunrise and when I got up to see what winter had left us overnight, David Foster, (our main grounds supervisor) was working up a storm, managing all the snow we had gotten.  It was hard to see through the glass, I noticed that the windows in the sitting area of our bedroom were covered in frost. The lights from The University's truck that was pushing the snow through the parking lot shown through the window and I grabbed my camera. I went from window to window through out the house to find what windows had these lovely icy pieces of artwork. Here are a few of the photos that I made.
The light's from the truck plowing the snow backlight the frosty window before sunrise.
The yellow circle is not the sun, it is a light from a parking lot across campus as I peeked through the frosty window and noticed the morning light beginning to lighten the sky.
The truck lights pierce through the frost on the left side of the picture.  David Foster and his crew were out in the coldest of temperatures taking care of us as usual!
It must take wind, moisture and cold temperatures to create such designs.
Icy tracks on my windowpane.
The ice fairies must have come by our University house last night! 
The eastern sky at day break was soft pink and blue.  It made a beautiful background for these icy designs. 
The sun was beginning to shine very brightly on this side of the house.  The scintillation of light was almost too difficult to look at and very difficult to photograph!

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